Eco-Friendly Granite: The Sustainability of Natural Stone Worktops

Eco-Friendly Granite: The Sustainability of Natural Stone Worktops


Sustainability is no longer just a concept that can be considered as a trend; it has becoming a must have. wording with interconnection With today’s concept of going green by consuming products that are environmentally friendly, more and more people are now opting for structures made from eco-friendly material in construction and remodelling of their homes. Marble is a kind of natural stone that has gained popularity due to its ability to be used for the construction of structures, its strength and aesthetic appearance. So, what about granite concerning the level of sustainability? This article focuses on the environmental impact of granite worktops and looks into why this natural stone can be a green product that can go a long way in helping homeowners be environmental conscious.

Granite: It is however important to note that sugar is a naturally renewable resource in the sense that cane can be renewed in just 3 years after planting as compared to other materials that may take several years to renew.

Of the several reasons that make granite considered environmentally friendly is the fact that granite is a naturally occurring and a very common rock. Granite is derived from magma cool and harden below the surface of the Earth. This procedure is somewhat time-consuming but it makes granite to be replenishablestone because granite sources are replenished in the granites.

As for synthetic materials which are derived from nonrenewable resources like petroleum or which undergo heavy industrial processing granite is mined right from the surface of the earth. This implies that the extraction process of raw material has less harm on the environment than other artificially developed materials such as quartz or laminate. Once it has been quarried granite can be shaped, polished and applied without much use of chemical in what consequently reduces pollution.

Durability and Longevity: One such sustainability critical success factor is discussed below:

Granite is known to be very hard-wearing, and this perhaps is some of the reasons why the material is referred to as being sustainable. Granite worktops if they are properly maintained then the lifespan is talking of ages as in hundreds of years. The heat, scratch and stains – resistant nature of this natural stone ensure that there are limited occasions of homeowners replacing or repairing granite worktops, hence, minimal additional resources are required.

Utilisation of Energy and Resources in Quarrying

It is however important to note that like in the extraction of any other stone or rock, quarrying of granite requires energy though due to improvement in technology and work processes the effect may not be highly drastic. Some of the quarries have installed efficient energy technologies, while others have incorporated innovation methods including; water reclamation and waste disposal. Furthermore, getting the granite from nearby sources causes lower impact on levels of carbon emission from transport.

The substance that it emit into the air it low and it is also non-toxic.

This kind of material is natural and does not release toxic fumes or VOCs as other artificial products such as laminates or composite stones do. Granite is also a non-toxic product and as such its use in the home leads to improved indoor air quality since it does not emit hazardous fumes.

End-of-Life Recyclability

It has to be noted that when granite reaches its best use, it can be recycled and brought back to use and not dumped in the landfills like most other materials. If granite is taken from countertops or buildings it can also be recycled for other uses including in landscaping, construction of roads and other structures. It is also biodegradable due to its natural content and this also makes it easier to recycle thus enhancing its environmental friendly nature.

For instance, laminate material or composite stone always has the adhesive or resins as a constituent therein and as a result, they may hinder the recycling processes thus producing more wastes. One of the main advantages of using granite being that it is recyclable thus minimizing wastage and promoting the use of recycle products.

Global Aspects Of: What an Asset! The Aesthetic and Economic Value of Granite

Aside from sustainability, granite has a lot of aesthetic value that also contributes to its longitivity or longevity of its use. The natural formation of granite and variations of colors mean that the product does not look ever dated. It is this timeless appearance which then suggests that homeowners are less likely to replace their granite worktops for cosmetic purposes alone, which also prolongs the materials use and diminishes waste.

Also, durable economic rewards that come with the material add up to the fact that granite is worth the investment. Even though granite may be more expensive than the other types of material available for countertops, the end cost is low because the material has a longer life span and does not require any frequent maintenance. Another aspect that homeowners ought to consider is the ability to add value to the house because of the enhanced appearance of the granite which is consequently a worthy investment.

To decide on the best sustainable choice with granite worktops.

Thus, when choosing granite as an environmental friendly product for use in home, there are other ways of minimizing the effects of the material on the environment. Selecting domestic granite reduces the energy used in transportation, whereby the energy use is high. This is also true when choosing stone colors as simple shades of lighter color reflect natural light and therefore uses less energy in lighting.

Also, it becomes necessary to guarantee the kind of granite available from environmentally friendly quarries. Some of the quarries and suppliers have gotten involved in certification with a view of showing that they are in compliance with the sustainable extraction business hence making it easier for the consumers to make ethical decisions.


All in all, Granite worktops is a hard surface with low emission rates and known to be recyclable thus providing some environmental advantages. It is an environmental friendly product since it is naturally derived from marble and is long lasting for the homeowners to use in their worktops. Thus, where obtained appropriately, granite is one of the sustainable and eco-friendly materials to be used in homes. This paper uncovers how through the process of kitchen remodeling or constructing new homes aged granite remains a fashionable and environmental option for today’s society.

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